Current Research

My current research examines privilege, youth, and education in twentieth-century Mexico. Looking at the history of Mexicans studying abroad and the development of international scholarship programs, I analyze the relationship between young elites and the Mexican state after the Revolution. This work emphasizes the salience of social class, mobility/migration, and age for understanding identity and experience among Mexico’s upper- and middle-classes as well as the formation of state institutions that served their interests.

Here is a link to the abstract of my doctoral dissertation, which is currently embargoed. If you wish to read or cite parts of this work, please contact me directly.

I have presented parts of this project at numerous conferences and workshops in Mexico and the United States. To hear me share some of my findings and make some links to the present, please watch this interview I did for C-SPAN 3’s American History TV in January 2017.

For this project, I did archival work in Mexico City, Washington, DC, California, Texas, and New York. I have also conducted oral histories with Mexicans who studied in the United States between the 1940s and 1980s.